Wednesday, February 1, 2012

3rd Blog (Elliott Stewart GS 490)

This was my third week at my internship. The past few times in the office haven’t been overly exciting but the work I’m doing is still important. I have been entering important data about different supporters across the state. This is necessary so that the campaign can contact supporters and let them know about events in their areas. Also I have been running errands for the office to different locations. Mainly I have been in charge of putting important information into envelopes and making sure they will get to the proper locations and in time. This has actually made me double check my work because we send out a lot of things to all over Indiana and to Washington D.C. A lot of the stuff we send is time sensitive so if I messed up the address or shipped it wrongly the info wouldn’t make it to where it needs to be. There should be more events coming up that I hope to get involved with on the weekends like fundraising diners.  

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